Navettes autonomes au Luxembourg

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La société Sales-Lentz, spécialisée dans le transport de personnes, a acquis 2 navettes se déplaçant sans conducteurs qui seront mises en service courant septembre.

Dans le but d’assurer un tronçon non desservi et consistant d’environ 5 km, la société a en effet commandé des navettes n’ayant nul besoin de pilote, de volant, ou de pédales de freins. 

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Les TPG ont le feu vert pour exploiter un bus autonome à Genève

Source : RTS

Les Transports publics genevois (TPG) ont reçu le feu vert de l’Office fédéral des routes pour exploiter un véhicule autonome. Le minibus sans chauffeur circule sur la ligne exprimentale XA à Meyrin.

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A bord de la navette autonome de Sales-Lentz

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Une démonstration de la navette autonome Navya acquise par Sales-Lentz a eu lieu ce jeudi sur le circuit de test de Goodyear à Colmar-Berg, dans le cadre de l’Automotive Day. Paperjam est monté à bord et vous emmène faire un tour.

C’est le premier véhicule 100% autonome du Luxembourg, sans volant ni pédales. 

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København bliver legeplads for selvkørende busser

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Københavns Nordhavn er udpeget som en af fire europæiske byer, der med massiv EU-støtte skal danne ramme for forsøg med autonom transport i de næste fire år. Autonomous Mobility stiller med selvkørende busser til den danske del af projektet.

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Geneva to test fleet of self-driving buses

Source: Swissinfo

The canton of Geneva is set to test a system of self-driving public buses as part of an international project organised by the University of Geneva and part-funded by the European Commission.

Following the Swiss city of Sion, which was the first to test autonomous public service vehicles in 2015, Geneva will now also position itself as a leader in the futuristic field, announced the University and the European consortium AVENUE on Tuesday.

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European cities soon to be ready for autonomous vehicles

Source: EurekAlert!

The European consortium AVENUE, led by the University of Geneva, is preparing the technical, economic and legislative integration of autonomous vehicles in the urban and sub-urban environments; Geneva is amongst the pilot sites.

Autonomous vehicles promise to be the next revolution in public transport. They should find their first users in suburban areas, which are less well served by traditional transportation networks. But for these new services to develop, we must first identify the needs and motivations of their future users and be able to respond to them, meet many of the technological and regulatory challenges, and design new business models. This is the aim of the 4 year AVENUE project consortium, led by the University of Geneva (UNIGE) with a total budget of 22 million euros and funded by the European Commission up to the level of 16 million euros.

The AVENUE project consortium, for “Autonomous Vehicles to Evolve to a New Urban Experience», brings together 16 partners: academic institutions, public transport operators, autonomous vehicle manufacturers, major technology R&D companies and specialized start-ups. Among them, five Swiss; alongside the UNIGE, the Transports publics genevois (tpg) and the State of Geneva, two start-ups are indeed involved, MobileThinking, resulting from the UNIGE and BestMile, created at EPFL. All partners met for the first project meeting on 14 and 15 May in Brussels.

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